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Here at the Center for Self Advocacy, we believe in following the peer to peer approach for our programs. Peer to peer means our services are provided by those with disabilities who have faced the same challenges as those we are serving.  The peer to peer approach can be empowering for those receiving services, because they were working with someone who knows first hand how to overcome similar obstacles.  Our staff have the ability to teach people we serve a variety of skills and tools, making facing daily life less overwhelming.

With our PEN (Peer Empowerment Network) Program, people with developmental disabilities that we are serving will attend a variety of workshops.  These workshops will help people learn how to transition from high school to adulthood, as well as learning how to maintain adulthood. Those who attend these workshops will learn how to interact with other people, how to look for a job, advocacy skills, conflict resolution, problem solving and more.  The workshops are facilitated by our staff, who have a disability themselves.  This program is sponsored by The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation.

With our Travel Training Program, people we serve will learn how to use public transportation independently.  They are assigned a mentor from our staff, who will also have a disability themselves. This program will teach people how to read bus schedules, how to tell time and how to manage money.   They will set goals for places they would like to travel to, and achieve these goals through multiple bus trips with their mentor.  More than one goal may be set, this ensures independence to travel to multiple places. This program is sponsored by The Department of Transportation 5310 grant.

Please contact us for more information.